
Danish newspaper protests App Store censorship

Ekstra Bladet

According to The Mac Observer, Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladetisn't too happy with Apple's App Store policies regarding nudity. In a series of recently published editorials, the newspaper takes issue with Apple banning the Ekstra Bladet iPhone and iPad app because of their Page 9 Girl, a nude photograph of a woman they have been publishing for 34 years. Accusing Apple of double standards and acting like "an American nanny," the paper's Heine Jørgensen writes that he can't understand why they would ban something seen by Danes as "an innocent Danish institution on par with The Little Mermaid."

Whether seen as an innocent institution or not, it really shouldn't come as a surprise that Apple has rejected an app from the App Store for nudity. As mentioned here on TUAW before, Apple has not only been banning sexual content in the App Store for quite some time now, but they have also started banning anything seen as controversial, such as the Manhattan Declaration, which we wrote about just last week.

While what offends me may not offend you, Apple has to draw the line somewhere -- and they have decided to start with the idea that even "innocent" nudity is sexual content. I can't blame the folks at Ekstra Bladet for being upset at the removal of their app, but them's the rules as they stand right now.