
Gran Turismo 5 patch v1.03 adds tiered damage to online races

Those of you taking Gran Turismo 5's detailed vehicles onto the information superhighway will be glad to hear that the latest patch for the game adds selectable car damage. After downloading the patch, GT5's "My Lounge" section allows you to choose how much mechanical damage you're willing to suffer during online play, from "None" to "Heavy" ("Mechanical damage will be more severe, and can only be repaired by making a pit stop ... damaged parts will be indicated with on-screen icons"). The "Light" damage option means parts of your car can be damaged, but its health regenerates (no, we're not joking). It's not clear whether the update also adds cover for your cars to hide behind while said health regenerates.

The patch is available as of right now and it takes up approximately 150MB of HDD space -- Polyphony Digital has yet to detail any other fixes/additions the patch brings with it. If you spot anything else, feel free to drop us a line!

[Thanks Russ!]