
Gnost-Dural discovers the origin of the SWTOR Sith Empire

BioWare continues to tease its fans with new and exciting lore entries for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This week, we get a huge glimpse into how the Sith Empire was able to rebuild itself on the jungle world of Dromund Kaas.

When the Sith Emperor's fleet fled Korriban following the Hyperspace War, one human stood out from the rest. His name was Odile Vaiken. This man, who was not a Force wielder, made his mark as an organizer and great military leader. Vaiken eventually became the new Sith Empire's first Grand Moff, and he eventually built what is now the great Imperial Military.

In the most recent entry in the Master Gnost-Dural timeline, Dural follows the Sith history from the time of exile on Dromund Kaas to the building of the Sith fleet. From the carving out of the jungles of Dromund Kaas to the training of Imperial Army, Vaiken was in the center of it all. Vaiken became the highest standard for all common Imperial citizens, proving that even non-Force users have a vital role in the ever growing Sith Empire.

Follow after the cut to see the rebirth of SWTOR's Sith Empire.