
One Shots: Don't hate - appreciate!

With the release date and pricing announced for DC Universe Online, beta players are busy getting their feedback and bug reports in before the end of testing. Another thing many are doing is snapping tons of great screenshots, as our One Shots mailbox would seem to indicate! Today we have a great image from Isk who captured this recently, and writes in with a very short note to explain: "Here is my DC Universe Online character. Isis was jealous of my outfit, so she sent a couple of mummies to try to take it from me."

Are you enjoying super-heroic (or villainous) adventures in your MMO of choice? If so, send in a screenshot of your hero (or villain) doing something awesome to us here at! Be sure you include your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. Yours could be the next image we feature here on Massively.