
Ask Massively: Preparing for the new year edition

It's almost time for our largely arbitrary dating system to cycle around once again, and in my neck of the woods, that means it's also time for a trip to Drinking Island. If you're lucky, you can drink enough to wash the taste of the previous year out of your mouth. If you're unlucky, you wind up starting the new year the same way you ended the last one -- bleary, disoriented, covered in vomit, and with a vague memory of assaulting a police officer.

Really, 2010 worked out pretty well for me overall, so I'm not complaining. And with that in mind, it's time for a decidedly non-inebriated edition of Ask Massively, in which we field questions related to City of Heroes and future IP-based MMOs. If you've got a question for a future edition of the column, drop us a line at, or just leave it in the comments field.

kidsneedtoswear asked: Do you think when the last Harry Potter movie ends, an MMORPG will be made?

It's certainly possible, but I'm tempted to say no. That's not to say that one will never be made, but I don't think that the target audience for the franchise is really the same as the usual target audience for MMOs. Plus, the optimal time to make the game would probably have been when the books ended, rather than the movies.

That being said, it's possible the franchise might go the same route as the Matrix franchise. But that's not necessarily desirable.

Blancmanche asked: What are the odds of Paragon Studios adding more powersets to City of Heroes?

The real question isn't if, it's when. As I understand it, Paragon has a big huge list of all the various powers the team would like to do, including spears, staves, and perhaps even glue-based abilities. (It worked for Paste Pot Pete. Sort of.) The real question is just where each of those powersets stands in relation to all of the other sets the team wants to put into the game, and how necessary each given set is.

Will we see another set without an expansion release? It's too early to say. Will we see another set in the next year? I wouldn't be shocked. Will we see another set, period? Yes, unless the servers get shut down.

F2L asked: Why do you feel the need to end with a joke every time?

It's the only way that my circuits can process the human emotion you call joy.

Looking for some advice on which class is best for soloing in Aion? Not sure who this Raph Koster fellow is? Curious about the release date of NCsoft's newest MMO? You've come to the right place! No one knows MMOs like we do. If there's anything you'd like to know about the MMO genre or the site itself, Ask Massively is here to help every Thursday afternoon. Just ask!