
Found Footage: MyNature Animal Tracks

I live in a suburban area south of Denver, Colorado, but that doesn't mean that I don't see animal tracks regularly. Quite the contrary -- our area is occasionally visited by mountain lion and black bear, there are herds of elk and white-tailed deer that frequent the area, and it's not unusual to see red fox and coyote loping through the neighborhood. Hiking in the foothills near my home is a sure way to see a variety of animal tracks

MyNature, Inc. recently released MyNature Animal Tracks [US$6.99, iTunes Link] to help nature lovers easily identify 43 different species of North American animals. The video above shows the depth of the application, which includes:

  • A searchable database on track size and shape featuring 7 search categories.

  • Clear track drawings showing both fore and hind prints.

  • Images of each animal's common gait and other gait patterns they may use.

  • Photos of an actual track of each animal in the wild.

  • Range maps for each species

  • Sound files of each animal's vocalizations.

  • An image of what the animal looks like in it's natural environment.

  • A ruler to measure and aid in track identification.

  • MyNature journal, for recording personal notes

  • Tips on finding tracks, plaster casting and much more.

MyNature Animal Tracks looks like a useful and educational app for anyone who likes to spend time outdoors, and at a price less than the printed track guides that are sold at museums and nature centers.