
Mauritius to Apple: Thanks for the iPhones, can we haz iTunes Store?

Recently, the people of the island republic of Mauritius have been able to purchase the iPhone 3G and 3GS through mobile phone provider Orange, but there's one major problem -- there's no access to an iTunes Store. This brings back memories of the original iPhone, when there was no iTunes Store to tempt iPhone owners with its wares. Can you imagine? No apps, no songs, and no videos for purchase directly from your phone? It boggles the mind.

Here at TUAW, we're doing our part for the "Free the iTunes Store" movement in Mauritius. Reader Marc, who works for Mauritian Apple reseller Paoma, notes "Thousands of iPhones, no Apps! We are hoping to get Apple to take notice and include us. A Facebook page has been set up to document the movement and we have already been featured in many leading French-language Apple blogs."

Well, Marc, now you have a leading English-language Apple blog taking up the cause as well. If you'd like to help iPhone users in Mauritius get their own iTunes Store, consider visiting the Facebook page and joining their group.