
D3 becomes 'Despicable Me' publisher

D3Publisher has announced a worldwide publishing agreement with Universal Partnerships & Licensing that will see the upcoming 3D animated film, "Despicable Me," transformed into an obligatory video game for consoles (which likely includes the one making a cameo above) and handheld systems. Despicable Me: The Game casts you in the role of Gru, the film's anguished supervillain mired in a war with his archnemesis, Vector. Expect "a unique blend of action and puzzle solving," along with "an army of loyal-but-manic minions" and a release date in line with the film's debut on July 9, 2010.

The developer hasn't yet been named (uh oh), but we're hoping for a decent tie-in title, if only to spare us from the inevitable one-liner reviews:

  • "This is a despicable game."

  • "Only despicable you would spend time on this one."

  • "This game is not fun but it is despicable which is funny because Despicable Me is the title of this game."