
Macworld 2010: Violet Blue

A couple of years ago Violet Blue attempted to make nice with Steve Jobs (or just shake his hand, really) and was rather infamously rebuked by the persnickety CEO. Despite this, she's maintained a love affair with Apple before and after, citing the style, design and attention to detail and user experience that Apple products are famous for as logical reasons for her affinity. In addition to being an unrepentant Apple fangirl, Violet is a sex educator and author of several books on the subject, and she stands at the intersection of sex and technology, once giving an excellent talk on sex and privacy on the Internet for Google which you can watch here.

I chatted with Violet about Macworld without Apple, the iPad, the lack of Flash on iPhone and iPad, and the squeaky-clean App Store. Part one is below and part two is on the next page.

Part two of our interview: