
Patch 3.3.3 PTR: New battleground mark conversion

Check out the latest from the PTR -- battleground mark to honor conversion is now up, with each battleground mark you've squirreled away worth an astonishing two thousand honor per mark. For people that have been PvPing since vanilla, that adds up to a lot of honor. Thankfully, there's places to spend it.

Check the gallery below for a full list of new prices on PvP mounts and legacy PvP gear. As of the current PTR build the new Commendations of Service are not account-bound, which means you can't send them off to alts like their Wintergrasp counterparts -- meaning players may be swimming in gems when the patch finally goes live. If this changes, we'll let you know. Stay tuned for more 3.3.3 PTR info as it develops!
