
Find creepy cats in Fallen Earth screenshot caption contest

What in the world is a double-cat? Well, Fallen Earth is currently holding a special kind of caption contest where players will find out, shortly followed by the rest of the world. It remains to be seen whether we shriek in horror or laugh in a fit of terror-filled glee. Either way, your caption will probably help a lot.

Oh wait, here's a double-cat right now. So, players are to search the sandbox MMO world for this hair-curling (or straightening, for some) double-cat, screenshot it and then put a caption on top of the image. It sounds tough, but we believe in random strangers all the time -- especially when they're our readers.

So if you happen across the mythical creature and feel up to the challenge, send your submission in to fecontest AT fallenearth DOT com and perhaps you could win a super special Fallen Earth poster signed by the dev team!