
Rumor: Apple iPad to be delayed?

Over at Fortune, Philip Elmer-Dewitt relays speculation that the iPad might be delayed. Citing a Monday report by Canaccord Adams analyst Peter Misek, he writes that a manufacturing bottleneck may be affecting iPad production. According to the report, Apple production could be as low as 30% of its target goal (300K units versus its target of a million) and concludes that Apple might delay the iPad launch for a month due to the " number of units available in March."

During Apple's January event, CEO Steve Jobs promised the new iPad device would hit shelves within 60 days, with a 3G-enabled unit to follow approximately 30 days later. To date, Apple has yet to offer a firm release date and it is not yet taking pre-orders just a few weeks before the device is due. Manufacturing delays now joins FCC approvals as a speculative reason for why Apple has not yet announced dates or pre-orders.

So far, this speculation has done precisely nothing to affect Apple stock prices. AAPL is up 4.15 at last check, holding at 208.77.

Thanks, Brett

Update An Apple PR rep told Wired that "iPad will be available in late March."