
World of WarCrafts: March roars in like a Zhevra

World of WarCrafts spotlights art and creativity by WoW players, including fan art, cooking, comics, cosplay, music and fan fiction. Show us how you express yourself; contact our tips line (attention: World of WarCrafts) with your not-for-profit, WoW-inspired creations.

Ahh, March ... Roaring in like a lion comes a rush of WoW-inspired creativity from fans and readers. (Hopefully, we won't find ourselves sheeped like lambs by the end of the month -- but that's a matter better left to Mr. Archmage Pants.)

First up, the only lambishly sweet of the bunch this week: yes, it's My Little Zhevra. This handmade custom named Zebu the Zhevra comes from thatg33kgirl at Deviant Art. (If Zebu provokes squees of cuteness overload, be sure to also check out last summer's My Lich King Pony.)

Custom art for hunters, several selections of fan fiction, a custom character figure from a reader, plus wicked wallpapers for warlocks, all coming up after the break.

Corehound logo, coloring pages
Graphic designer and reader Melissa got bored one day and turned out this colorful corehound logo that she's posted for other players to use. "I also made a sort of coloring book for hunters to make their own pet skins," she adds, "and put it up on the Petopia forums. It's just fun stuff I do for practice I like to share. :D" Thanks, Melissa -- we appreciate it!

Once, we were warriors ...
If you're a fan of orcish lore, you'll want to read this fan fiction from Skreeran, posted in Wowhead's lore and roleplaying forum. The series focuses on Garrosh Hellscream and his evolution from Nagrand to Wrath of the Lich King. There are seven installments, with plenty more planned to come.

More fan fiction comes in from reader Darrell, who recommends "A Cord of Two Strands," a seven-part story his wife has been working on for about a year. Plenty to keep readers busy!

Wicked wallpapers for warlocks
Morkuma sent in a special treat for warlock readers. "A while back, I stumbled across a really talented graphics designer who made some stunning wallpapers for The Warlock's Den back in '08," he writes. "They were gorgeous, but he had only made a few of them, then left the WoW scene. I have since then been recreating these wallpapers in HD and adding my own personal flare. I am very satisfied with the results, and so are a few of my friends who were able to get a sneak peak while I was designing them. They are dark and maniacal, sexy and stylish and devastatingly powerful. My plan with these wallpapers are to embody all that a warlock is and not limit them to the strict guidelines Blizzard has set for them."

Mission accomplished, wouldn't you agree?

Custom character figure

Ever wondered what some of your fellow readers' characters look like? Wonder no more about frequent commenter and creator of our previously featured custom Arthas figure, RetPallyJill. Her latest custom figure is her own main, Jilara of Perenolde. "Since even the leetest gear is old hat within months, I decided to put her in a classic set, gear she can be spotted wearing around Dalaran most any day: Chain of the Scarlet Crusade," she writes.

"I started with a Takara Cool Girl action figure and built up from there with rayon, pleather, crushed velvet and lots and lots of red paint," she explains. "Her weapon is yet another eBay discovery; it had been a flail (chain connecting weight to the haft), but sadly, those don't exist in WoW, so I hacked it up and glued it back together again.

"Her boots are off the same Marx knight that I got Arthas' breastplate from; waste not, or you don't get sweet plate boots. The boots were the trickiest to paint, since they are a soft plastic that very few paints adhere to. So I put a base coat of a hideous green (the only color they had in stock), followed by white, then flat red, then a clearcoat orange to get a nice deep gloss color.

"As an added bonus," she finishes, "it snowed last night, so I took advantage of the Northrend-esque scenery. It's a shame I'm such a terrible photographer." Thumbs up for the artistic presentation, anyway!

World of WarCrafts spotlights art and creativity by WoW players, including fan art, cooking, comics, cosplay, music and fan fiction. Show us how you express yourself by contacting our tips line (attention: World of WarCrafts); not-for-profit work only, please.