
Verizon CEO: We want the iPhone

Almost since the day it was revealed to the public, American customers have been clamoring for the iPhone to be made available on Verizon's network. Many potential iPhone buyers have cited their distaste for AT&T as their primary reason for not jumping on the iPhone train, and the chant has been relentless for almost three years now: "We want the iPhone on Verizon!"

One more voice has joined that chorus: the CEO of Verizon, Ivan Seidenberg, told Apple outright that Verizon wants to carry the iPhone on its network. Nothing coy about it: if Apple will build it, Verizon will come. This is a complete 180 from Verizon's stance in 2005, when Verizon rejected Apple's iPhone offer, saying they couldn't come to a deal that was "mutually beneficial." Seidenberg reportedly brought up his overtures to Apple following the recent Wall Street Journal report on the forthcoming Verizon iPhone. This could mean a couple of things: either there's no Verizon deal yet and the Journal's report was premature speculation, or there is a deal in progress, but the final details have yet to be hammered out.

Verizon has very likely spent the past three years kicking itself over its rejection of the iPhone three years ago. Here's hoping a Verizon-Apple deal does eventually come to fruition. It would be a big win for both companies, but more importantly, it would be an even bigger win for US customers.

[Via MacRumors]