
What if the Modern Warfare 2 credits were edited to reflect vacated Infinity Ward positions?

Out of the 100-ish people that Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward is estimated to employ, a smattering have left over the past few weeks. Whether or not the various folks vacated their positions due to the recent shakeup at the studio is unknown, but PC Gamer UK put together a convenient way of telling exactly who has been crossed from the studio's list of employees -- by editing the credits from MW2 to reflect the recent changes.

Though the video neglects to cross off ex-senior animator Bruce Ferriz from the list, the 10 other employees certainly corroborate our reports. Unfortunately, given the near-daily losses the studio has seen, we're hoping that PC Gamer kept its Final Cut save file close at hand. Hit the break to check it out.

[Update: Changed headline from "Modern Warfare 2 credits edited to reflect vacated Infinity Ward positions" to the above, since some of you didn't bother to read the actual story for context. For shame!]

[Via GamePro]