
Norwegian Prime Minister gets his hands on an iPad

While Apple has pushed the international launch of the iPad back by a month, from its original late April launch date to late May, it hasn't stopped some overseas customers from getting their hands on one. For example, Don McAllister, host of the resourceful ScreenCastOnline, picked up a couple of iPads during a vacation to New York that 'just so happened' to coincide with the iPad launch. If he intends on bringing home the iPad he's using in this picture, you can also count Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg as an international shopper.

The picture belongs to flickr member Statsministerens kontor, which translates to "Prime Minister's office." Prime Minister Stoltenberg was in Washington DC this week attending the Nuclear Security Summit 2010, and is now in NYC.

He may have plenty of time to explore the iPad, since his flight home -- along with hundreds of others bound for Europe -- has been cancelled due to the Icelandic volcano explosion. He told the Dagbladet newspaper that he's working remotely after an extended airport wait. The newspaper's headline translates as "Jens manages the land with iPad from New York."

For the less patient who may be considering making the trek over to the U.S. for an iPad, do so with caution. Customs agents may prevent you from bringing the iPad home, depending on local regulations. For example, Israeli officials are blocking iPad imports over supposed WiFi concerns.

"Tusen takk" to Nils & everyone who sent this in.