
PSN Thursday no more: say hello to PSN Tuesday and Wednesday

Do you sometimes get jealous of your Xbox-owning friends that are able to download demos and DLC a day earlier than you? Don't worry, PS3 fans. Sony has a solution: Release content before Microsoft! Both the American and European PlayStation Store updates are moving to new days, starting in May.

Tuesdays become the new day for PSN updates in North America, as recently explained by Pulse's Christina Lee (pictured, above). In Europe, content will be updated on Wednesday, as explained by SCEE's Mike Kebby.

While this may seem like terrific news for PlayStation fans, we're pretty certain this is how the time wars begin. With Sony pushing earlier, Microsoft will have no choice but to retaliate by sending Major Nelson back in time to assassinate the unborn Kevin Butler! Don't worry, though. We're pretty certain he knows how to travel through time as well.

[Thanks, Doug M.!]