
Guy uses iPad to pop the question

We've seen other geeky marriage proposals in the past, but it's always nice to be the first before the schtick gets old.

TechCrunch reader Zach used his iPad to ask his girlfriend to marry him. Zach sat his girlfriend down on a bench, where he had asked her out two and a half years earlier, and whipped out his iPad. He told her to put the earbuds on, and then he played a slideshow with music and photos of the two of them together. There was laughter, there were tears; then there was the last slide. Does anyone have a guess as to what it said? That's right! "Will you marry me?"

From the photo, you can see what the answer was.

For those of you keeping track, we've seen:

So, there are still entire Apple product lines that have yet to be used for this purpose! Get proposing!