
Capcom COO anticipates 'new' 3DS digital distribution service

3-D is great and all, but Capcom COO Haruhiro Tsujimoto is excited about another possible component of Nintendo's 3DS: a new distribution system for games, similar to Apple's App Store. "What we're more looking forward to is the offering of a new business model," he told Nikkei BP (translated by Andriasang). "Nintendo has been in the hardware business for a long time, and I believe they must be looking closely at Apple's recent success." This came after Tsujimoto praised Japanese mobile phone provider NTT DoCoMo's open, App Store-style business model.

Of course, Nintendo already has a digital distribution platform on the DS, DSiWare, as well as digital services for Wii. But Nintendo's digital platforms are currently less open than the App Store, and therefore much less populous. We'll likely find out at E3 whether Tsujimoto's prediction is true.