
Mortal Online launch day roundup

Ever since Star Vault initially announced Mortal Online back in 2008, we've been curiously awaiting the launch of the game. With the promise of lush graphics wrapped around a heavily sandboxed PvP game, it's looked like the niche game that many players have been hungering for. Now, after a handful of setbacks and decisions to hold the release date, players will have the chance to start playing Mortal Online in earnest -- and we've got a launch-day roundup that's chock full of some of the highlights from the last two years for you!

Quick Mortal Online preview
The game appears to hail from the open world school of design, offering open looting; real-time, Elder Scrolls-esque combat; and level-free advancement (it's still a class-based game).

Mortal Online presentation puts all you want to know in one place
The Mortal Online team decided to create a PowerPoint presentation (available here -- the .rar file is 100mbs and includes some videos) to explain to the world what their game is. As it turns out, the presentation begins with a list of what their game isn't. The short version is that they're trying to make a very different MMO experience.

Analyzing Mortal Online: Is it for you?
Mortal Online is a game that has piqued the interest of many bored or jaded MMO gamers lately, as it has a few features that promise to be different. What's that? You've heard it all before, dozens of times? Yes, but this time it's different! Seriously though, don't take our word for it (because none of us have actually played the game...), but as we get closer to the game's launch, we're still getting a lot of info on the game to possibly even excite us. Yes, even the jaded among us.

Mortal Online limited edition available June 29, first game reviews are in
Mortal Online is the next MMO title on the way that will cater to the hardcore fantasy PvP niche, which is currently filled for some gamers by Darkfall Online. The Mortal Online developers, Star Vault, announced that two beta players were given permission to write "Combat Beta" reviews of the PvP-centric title, which can now be found on the game's official forums.

Mortal Online interview explains game's concept and design elements
We know Mortal Online has an emphasis on PvP, with comparisons being made between this title and Darkfall, but it would be inaccurate to say it's only going to be a game that PvPers will enjoy. MO has a deep crafting system as well; in fact, all game items can be crafted by players. Star Vault is also dispensing with some of the conventions typical of fantasy MMOs in favor of new or different approaches...

Mortal Online devs appearing on MO-Radio
MO-Radio, the fan run Mortal Online radio show, has boasted some familiar names as guests on their Tuesday Night Talk Show for the past few months. Quite a few members of the Star Vault development team have visited, including concept artist Hannu Kokkonen, programmer Max Lindgren, and sound design dev Henrik Ekholm as well as a few others. The weekly show topics have covered some great details of Mortal Online design...

One Shots: Famous last words
When it comes to sandboxy PvP games, people have been checking out the Mortal Online open beta. With a wide-open world where anything could happen, and often does, it's undoubtedly going to draw players. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the game is quite lovely to look at, such as today's Mortal Online One Shots from Xaan. He writes in to relate his recent experience in the beta...

Mortal Online enters final release stage
Mortal Online is on track for their June 9th release date -- the dev team has further confirmed that by updating their site with a countdown timer and a list of goodies for enthusiastic fans.