Advertisement welcomes new warlock and elemental shaman columnists is pleased to announce that we've selected our new warlock and elemental shaman columnists. Many thanks to all who applied, and it's unfortunate that we can only select one person for each position.

For our warlock columnist and master of all things with green fire, we welcome Elias Khoury onto our team. Elias has a strong background in the warlock class, having played a 'lock since December 2005. He's also had his hand in blogging for a while, posting as Jagoex at the Warlock Therapy blog. He has a great deal of knowledge to share, having achieved high ranks in PvP and lots of success in all areas of raiding.

Matt Sampson is our new elemental shaman columnist. Matt has done a shedload of theorycrafting for the class, and anyone who frequents Elitist Jerks will know him as Binkenstein. He also brings to the site his extensive raiding and PvP experience. We're pleased to have him and his expertise on our team and look forward to all the help and advice he'll be able to give to shamans.

Please join us in welcoming these two great additions to our staff! You'll be seeing the first editions of their columns soon™.