
One Shots: Supernatural spam

How precisely does a hero face off against a ghost in the machine? Well, if you're lucky, you'll never have to face one in Paragon City, but once in a great while, one still slips through. Take, for example, this oddball "haunting" that recently occurred on a fairly innocent corner in City of Heroes. Reporting in today is Cube, who believes he may have figured out what the source of this particular anomaly is:

"This is me on my tanker, Blood Brother Eldred. With me are Alisha Shatogi (the lovely lady in the trenchcoat), and DJ Aerial. There have been a few issues with Paragon City's mail system over the past few days, and I think we've found out why. It seems that Aerial's pet Singularity/Disco Ball (affectionally named George) managed to find his way into a mailbox. It looks like the folks at the Paragon City Postal Service have their work cut out for them..."

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