
WRUP: Bittersweet cacophony

Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!

This weekend is bittersweet for the staff. While the freedom weekends bring is wonderful, this is the staff's final weekend with the lovable miss Liz Harper around. It was Liz that made this website home for many of us, and I know that I personally wouldn't be where I am today without her. We'll miss you Liz, but don't worry -- we'll keep the wheels spinning around here.

Of course, we can't have the whole weekend be a downer, so we have yet another bonus question in this week's WRUP. If Outland was hit with a(nother) cataclysmic event, who or what would you like to see make a comeback?

Adam Holisky (@adamholisky): This weekend I'm going to two festivals around the area, and am going to attempt to spend as much time in the beta as possible when home. The day star hurts me though, and hopefully Katie will recognize this and let me stay inside and play as much as possible. As far as a boss in Outland that would make a comeback, clearly it's Kael'Thas. Third time's the charm.
Alex Ziebart (@alexziebart): My weekend will probably be full of cleaning the house for the company we have coming over next weekend. Hooray for washing carpets! As for the bonus question, it's no secret that I liked The Burning Crusade a lot more than Wrath of the Lich King. There's a lot that I would like to see happen. I'd like for Khadgar and Trollbane to actually do something if they're going to stick around. Turalyon and Alleria need to make their comeback, maybe saved by their son. Maiev Shadowsong is just badass, so she needs to be up and moving, too. My list is endless.

Allison Robert (@AllisonRobert): I'll be drafting what I hope will be a decent restoration edition of Shifting Perspectives and hoping that the beta's scrolling combat text gets fixed so that cat DPS gets less annoying to evaluate. Otherwise, more tanking/healing Cataclysm 5-mans. If Outland got the Cataclysm treatment, I'd get Akama and the Ashtongue involved in the player storylines much earlier. Akama's a great character.
Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey): I will be merrily writing my butt off. It's a scientific process. If Outland got the Cataclysm treatment? GRIFTAH'S EMPORIUM. It would be huge, right across the street from Shattrath, and have the same amazing neon orange and green color scheme as his fabulous outfit. Jadaar and Asric would be working there as stock boys and spend their days griping about the "good old days" when they were in Northrend facing the terrors of the Scourge, possibly with some cheeky commentary about the economy. As for Griftah, he would sell an assortment of trinkets, baubles, and rare artifacts that he has "acquired" from "faraway lands." Harrison Jones would be skulking around outside griping about how the items BELONGED IN A MUSEUM. Possibly once a week there would be some sort of fistfight between Jones and Griftah.
Amy Schley (@wowlawbringer): Possibly raiding on my shaman who is now feeling far more comfortable in ICC. Working should take up most of the rest of the time.

Chase Christian

(@madsushi): Going to be doing some cleaning around the house in preparation for family coming this way, and definitely playing some more of the Cataclysm beta. My favorite part of the Outlands was also Griftah, although I already set him up in Dalaran...
Daniel Whitcomb (@danielwhitcomb): I'm moving this weekend, so little to no gaming for me. As far as Outlands go, I want to see Maiev, vindicated and kicking ass against new threats. The woman gets way too much hate, and she deserves better. I also want more Ethereals, but that goes without saying. Where are my Goblin/Ethereal trade wars, or the Protectorate fighting the Burning Legion?
Elizabeth Wachowski (@leeatwaterlives): A little bit of turn-based portable fun with Dragon Quest IX and Final Fantasy IX.
Gregg Reece (@undeadfish): I have a feeling that I'm going to be without computer access most of this weekend due to other real world obligations. As for the bonus question, I want the rumored Inverted Kara raid that is an upside-down copy of the building directly below it.
Joe Perez (@Lodurzj): For The Lore will be celebrating episode 50 this week which will also mark (roughly) our 1 year anniversary. We are planning for festivities and hilarity as it marks our 5th drunk tank. Should be a good time for all so be sure to join us live for some mayhem! I would love to see more about Akama and Kurdran Wildhammer if they went back to Outland. Always two NPC's I liked the lore of and would have loved to interact with backstory, or even the current story more with them.
Kelly Aarons (@Cadistra): Lamenting over the loss of our dear Liz, working on comics/art stuffs, getting ready for PAX next weekend, and playing games! WoW (both current and beta), Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (still), and maybe some Steam stuff. If Outland got the Cataclysm overhaul, I'd like to see either Nagrand or Blade's Edge come back. Nagrand because it's, well, Nagrand, and Blade's Edge because that would just be crazy-epic.
Lisa Poisso (@emused): Cataclysm beta. Bonus question: More Consortium? Yes, please!
Mathew McCurley (@gomatgo): This weekend is an attempt at putting together an Ironbound Drake run in Ulduar and some general WoW crap. Also, writing. If Outlands got the Cataclysm treatment, I'd like to see Garrosh return home and bring his people to Azeroth as the hero. He needs to go back and show everyone he became a leader and not a whiny dingus.
Matthew Rossi (@matthewwrossi): Bye, Liz. I'll miss you. This weekend I'll be packing. Turalyon and Alleria for the bonus question.
Rich Maloy (@stoneybaby): The usual: Quality time with the girlfriend, raiding, show production. If Outland went boom and got redone I'd like to see more of Maiev Shadowsong. She should become the next blood-crazed faction leader and I want to see her badassery in person. "She has become vengeance itself..." - Malfurion Stormrage
Robin Torres (@cosmiclaurel): Beta. I think there should be a temporal rift with a causality loop, forcing you to play the same content over and over. ... oh. Seriously though, I think having some kind of temporal vortex causing you to be able to see and participate in the flight of the Draenei or the foundation of Shattrath City or any of the other events that took place in lore just before The Burning Crusade expansion.

The weekend is the perfect time to kick back, relax and enjoy some game time. Are you an achievement junkie? Can't get enough raiding? Rolling a new alt? Considering taking the leap into roleplaying? Whatever your favorite way to play World of Warcraft, let us know in the comments what you're playing this weekend!