
Pocket Frogs hits 2m downloads, adds social features, raises money for real-life frogs

I continue to enjoy NimbleBit's Pocket Frogs title -- it's a free download on the App Store (supported by in-app purchases of convenience items) that has you collecting, breeding, and selling little frogs in thousands of combinations of colors, patterns, and types.

I'm not the only one enjoying the game, either. NimbleBit tells TUAW that after a month of availability on the App Store, the game has 300,000 daily active users, and it has been downloaded over two million times. That's quite impressive. And NimbleBit is far from done with the game. Ian Marsh has been sharing "frogsaics" on his twitter account, and just yesterday he was apparently testing a social feature to share pictures of frogs over Twitter. David Marsh tells us that, yes, the company is working on an update to "show off your frogs on various social networks." There's one more big feature in the pipeline, too, but he couldn't tell us about that one just yet.

The game has been raising money for charity as well. NimbleBit was contacted by a charity called Amphibian Rescue, and they've just recently added a little popup in the game offering a 1,000 in-game coin bonus for checking out information on how to donate to the cause. Over the week of the promotion, there were over 600 donations (totaling over $3,000), which are all going to equipment costs to keep frogs in Panama from extinction. That's awesome! Not only is NimbleBit producing a great game, but they're also using the audience that they've earned to make a change for real frogs in Panama.