
Pixelmator setting up shop in the Mac App Store

Pixelmator is a favorite Mac application around TUAW. The US$59 image editor is used by many of our bloggers to fix or manipulate the pictures you see here on the site.

We were thrilled to see that the Pixelmator team announced on their blog that they'll be selling their application in the upcoming Mac App Store. The team says that they're happy that they'll be able to focus on continuing to make Pixelmator the top Mac image editor instead of spending time on figuring out ways to get the word out about their app or manage a web store to sell the product.

They're also lovin' the fact that they no longer have to work on developing and keeping up update and licensing systems, digital rights management, and similar time-consuming -- but necessary -- back-end systems. Now they can simply focus on Pixelmator and leave the rest to Apple.

It's good to see that the Pixelmator Team is supportive of the Mac App Store, and we wish them continued success as they move into their new "home."