
Earthrise shows off shiny new web digs

Speaking of website makeovers... The folks at Masthead Studios didn't want us to have all the fun! As such, today they've revealed some awesome new artwork and serious web chops by introducing their very own shiny new website. Gone is the ho-hum grey background and text-heavy central area. Added is a great illustration featuring a new version of the lady who has long graced the page. Thrill at the shiny newness of hills, valleys, and sci-fi artistic goodness.

Of course, the new site also boasts a nice, clean, clickable interface showcasing the newest news, lots of media, backstory, community, and more. Additionally, the beta button is clearly sitting there waiting to be clicked on by those who haven't taken the leap as yet. So if you're a connoisseur of all things intarwebby, curious about the new shininess of Earthrise's website, or all about some hot beta signup action, then head on over and check it out.