
Head into the Leviathan's Nest with Fiesta Online's latest expansion

Fear not the Leviathan, my gaming brothers and sisters! While his power is great, his wrath mighty, and his breath most foul, only brave heroes like you can stop his reign of terror once and for all!

Fiesta Online has cracked open the doors of the Leviathan's Nest, the newest expansion to the game. Players daring enough to explore the hazard-filled dungeon will find the titular beast as well as two additional boss monsters who are just crashing at his pad for the time being. Once the Nest has been cleared out, a bounty of new armor sets and weapons will shower down on the heads of the victorious. So, y'know, watch out for falling swords and plate armor.

If you want to give the Leviathan's Nest a go, head on over to Fiesta Online and see who's the boss of whom, and be sure to peruse the dungeon gallery below.
