
One Shots: When GMs attack

One moment, you're chilling out, enjoying time with friends, and the next thing you know -- boom! Surprise, it's a wild GM attack! Well, of course, that depends on the game you're in, but it seems to be a somewhat regular occurrence in City of Heroes, where we've seen GMs drop in for dance parties, weddings, and all manner of other things. In today's One Shots from Brenner H., we have the chance to see one of the more surprising appearances made recently. Brenner writes in: "[I was] just chilling in the winter event zone and then all of a sudden a GM popped in 'dressing' as Jurassik. Everyone was watching!" Hopefully this version of Jurassik didn't kill everyone!

Have you spotted a GM in your favorite game? Did he or she do something silly? We're always on the lookout for unique moments from MMOs, and you can help. Just send in screenshots of your favorite moments to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing here. We'll post it out on the site and give you credit for sending it in!