
One Shots: Heading for the heights

While night hangs ever-present over the streets of Gotham, many new heroes and villains are finding their way through the treacherous streets. Will we ever manage to beat Brainiac back, or will the ruin of our world come as (now alternate) Future Lex Luthor experienced and warned us about? We have no way of knowing. Meanwhile, players like Sortius are just getting their first taste of superpowered action in DC Universe Online. Impressed by the view, Sortius had to send in this screenshot and added the following note: "I snapped this one while cruising Gotham as Dragon Wind, looking for 'clues' and collectibles. The cities really take my breath away; the scale and detail is amazing. I couldn't resist taking this shot as it shows off exactly why I'm loving it."

If you'd like to tell us of your adventures, then grab a screenshot and email it to us here at! Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing in the image. We'll post it out here and give you the credit for sending it in.