
Two new (super difficult) Spy Party maps in the works

Chris Hecker has updated the blog of his innovative Turing Test-turned-espionage thriller, Spy Party, with a look at two new maps he's been designing. Unlike the plain, rectangular "Ballroom" we've seen before, the new levels don't offer balanced gameplay.

For instance, the "Balcony" map is a small, open area which can only fit about eight characters, making the Spy's job a living hell. On the other hand, the "Veranda" location (pictured) hosts 22 characters and requires the Sniper to move around in order to get a clear shot at every area of the map.

These new maps sound interesting, but we're not sure the Sniper needs a helping hand on any levels. Isn't it bad enough that the dude has an extremely high-powered sniper rifle?