
The best Angry Birds birthday cake ever

Although some of the staff here at TUAW have managed to avoid succumbing to the addictive wiles of Angry Birds, many of us have spent countless hours lobbing angry birds at pigs. Readers often send us pictures of Angry Birds birthday cakes, food, clothing, Halloween costumes, and other items showing that they have spent way too much time with the game.

With the Angry Birds fever showing no signs of abating, most of these missives end up in our trash can, but one today was so incredible that we had to show you. TUAW reader Adam Riggins recently turned 31, and his girlfriend Melanie decided to treat Adam with an awesome Angry Birds cake. The attention to detail, as seen in the gallery Adam has posted, is incredible.

Adam said that under that fun exterior was a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup cake. His comment about Melanie? "She's a keeper." We agree wholeheartedly.

Watch out, Duff Goldman; there's a new ace in town!