
One Shots: Linked to the future

With the NDA down on Earthrise's beta and the game set to launch on February 4th, we're somewhat surprised that we haven't gotten a great flood of Earthrise screenshots for One Shots yet. Thankfully, Cavadus has stepped up and decided to give those of us who didn't make it into beta a little sample of what we can expect to see in-game. He writes in: "[This screenshot is part of] a virtual tour of Sal Vitas, capital of Enterra and the Continoma faction. It's really quite beautiful. I hope you enjoy the picture!" He also enclosed a link to a gallery of the other tour images, if you'd like to check those out.

Are you in the mood to show off something cool you've seen recently? Perhaps you're also in a beta whose NDA is down? If you'd like to share, then email your screenshot to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a quick description. We'll post it out here for everyone to enjoy and give you the credit for sending it in. Couldn't be easier!