
Macworld Expo 2011: PhatWare and TUAW chat about apps, handwriting recognition

Nestled in the cozy confines of the Mobile Apps Showcase at Macworld Expo 2011 was one of my personal favorite iOS developers – PhatWare. This company has taken note-taking on the iPad and iPhone to a new level with three products: PhatPad, WritePad and PhatNotes.

I had the opportunity to speak with PhatWare CEO Stan Miasnikov at the PhatWare kiosk and catch up on the latest updates with PhatPad. What's new? How about sound recording that can be synced to individual pages in order to create and show self-running presentations?

Miasnikov noted that the company didn't look at the Newton when working on PhatPad, which features excellent handwriting recognition. Instead, he refers to the app as what would result if WritePad and Keynote had a baby. Voice recording takes about 10 MB per 20 minutes, so the software developer doesn't recommend letting voice notes last for more than that amount of time.

Check out the video with Stan on the next page as part of our continuing coverage of Macworld Expo 2011.