
One Shots: When you're not looking

It must be hard to be an NPC bad guy. Sure, sometimes you win -- but more often than not you wind up lying on the ground with someone rifling through your virtual pockets. Then you respawn and wait around until the next person happens by to smack you down. Or at least one might think that NPCs just stand around and do nothing. As today's Lord of the Rings Online One Shots shows, perhaps that's not always the case! This image comes to us from Elimdor, kinsman of Men of Valor and level 52 Edhellond Elf on the Crickhollow server, who writes in: "I was on patrol in Eastern Angmar a few weeks ago with my level 46 (now 52) Hunter, Elimdor, when I came across the enemy doing some fairly un-enemy-like activities... I guess it just goes to show that even the evildoers like to kick back every once in a while."

Have you captured an interesting slice-of-life screenshot from your favorite MMO? Why not send it in and tell us a bit about what things are like in-game? Email it to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing in the image. Your screenshot could be the next one we feature here on Massively!