My top 3 iPhone apps: Angry Mac Bastards [NSFW]
If you've never heard the Angry Mac Bastards podcast you may not be aware (although you may have guessed from the title of their show) that there is some "salty" language, if you will.
Who are we kidding? Profanity permeates their show. The swearing is resplendent in this week's installment of "3 apps" -- so brace yourself, this video is well beyond PG-13.
Still, the AMB crew of Peter Cohen and John C. Welch (partner Darby Lines was not around) are quite hilarious in this extended remix edition of "My top 3 apps." Yes, technically we asked them their "favorite" 3 apps this time.
The rant on cheap, $0.99 apps is worth the wait as they note "premium apps" have a place on the store and on your iPhone. If you are easily offended, next week we'll have a kinder, gentler edition of My top 3 iPhone apps. Until then, swear-laden video is on the next page, plus a list of the apps mentioned with handy iTunes links.
We've come in for our share of abuse from the AMB from time to time on their show, but we hope this video shows those Bastards that there are no hard feelings. Well, relatively few hard feelings.
Peter Cohen
- Echofon for Twitter
- Reader
- Hootsuite (mentions the iPad version, but it's available for iPhone as well)
Games Recommended:
- Minotaur Rescue for that "old skool" gaming feel
- Infinity Blade
John C. Welch
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