
Metareview: Bulletstorm

People Can Fly's over-the-top shooter Bulletstorm received high marks in our hot-off-the-presses review -- but was everyone else as willing as we were to overlook the game's juvenile overtones and frequent mistreatments of the English language? Let's take a look at some highlights from other critics' write-ups!

  • Game Informer (9.25/10): "Epic Games/People Can Fly's sadistic opus arrives at a time when most shooters do little more than let you blast dudes in the head while things explode. Bulletstorm has those things, but also lets you shoot a man in the testicles and kick slide his head off."

  • Eurogamer (9/10): "On the surface, People Can Fly has delivered a sustained rumination on what it feels like to really boot somebody in the nuts. Yet beneath all that is a design built on years of watching audiences play outside of the rules in other shooters."

  • Wired (7/10): "The game is rated 'M' for mature, which means that children under 17 cannot buy it, which is a shame because teenagers would crack up playing this game. What demographic likes penis jokes more, I ask you?"

  • 1UP (B-): "When it lets itself, it's a fantastic adrenaline rush through well-constructed set-pieces and gloriously fun-to-watch violence. But it too often drags itself down with overly structured situations and restrictive, strategy-heavy gameplay."