
Allods Online poster contest offers in-game rewards

Everyone knows that the internet was created for two things. One is Lolcats, and the other is... not what your dirty mind was assuming. No, in fact, the second grand purpose for the series of tubes is to allow the mass dissemination of bazillions of those black-bordered (de)motivational posters. To that end, gPotato is conscripting its Allods Online fanbase to add some more to the mix.

A new Allods contest requires players of the F2P fantasy title to snap an in-game screenshot (sans the UI, of course) and paste the image into a black box using a graphics editor. Add a bit of humorous white text and you've got yourself an entry that could win you a large incense kit, a chest of costumes, a fashionista's trunk, five stamina elixirs, and five luck elixirs.

Entries are due by Friday, March 4th, and you can submit them -- as well as learn more about the contest -- via the official Allods forums.