
New quests coming to Final Fantasy XIV on Thursday

The rapid update schedule for Final Fantasy XIV's post-launch patches continues, with the next one slated for release tomorrow, March 3rd. It should be a welcome piece of news to fans eager to dive into the biggest proimised feature, the addition of new sidequests separate from main story quests and the repeatable levequests. The addition has been previewed in the latest announcement on the official site, giving players a quick overview of what to expect from the new ventures.

Various NPCs throughout the major cities will offer sidequests, denoted by the nigh-universal symbol of the questgiver, an exclamation mark. As usual, there are minimum class and rank prerequisites, and the update promises that quest content will be unique in focus, implying that the tasks will not fall under the "kill X" formats of levequests. Local levequests will also undergo adjustments to make the difficulty grade more uniform, addressing a long-standing discrepancy between rewards and difficulty of the task. Players can expect to see the changes in Final Fantasy XIV go live tomorrow, which should be good news for all of the players looking forward to the new content.