
Final Fantasy XIV's patch 1.16 goes live with a new producer's letter

As we learned yesterday, patch 1.16 for Final Fantasy XIV has gone live today, bringing along a much-awaited infusion of new content and mechanics. The full patch notes are fairly meaty, with the new sidequests and several improvements to local levequests topping the bill. Players will also see slower gear deterioration for appropriate equipment, enlarged enemies with visible aggro warnings, new targeting modes, constant regeneration of MP while in passive mode, and a variety of general improvements.

If that's not enough, Naoki Yoshida has chimed in with another producer's letter, this one discussing the results of the second player poll. Players have responded positively to the questions, and Yoshida interprets the results in great detail, with the ultimate conclusion that small-scale PvE content is in the works for groups, while solo leveling and solo content remains high on player agendas. It's a busy day for Final Fantasy XIV's fans, but given the recent development pace, it doesn't look to be slowing.