
Choose My Adventure Live: LFM late 20s dungeon, vote in our latest polls

Choose the adventures of Robin Torres as Roblinator the goblin shamanator or join in with <It came from the Blog> on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H).

LFM for a random dungeon. I'm level 27 DPS. If you have a mid- to late-20s Hordie on Zangarmarsh and can join me, please do! Otherwise, you can watch the stream above and chat after the break. Polls are after the break, too.

Update: The stream is now over. You may watch the video replay of our trip through Gnomeregan by clicking on the image above.


I get to go to Stonetalon Mountains now. Yay! After that, Cape of Stranglethorn will be my destination. And for some reason, you all want me to wear a goblin tabard, though I'm already pretty well-liked by my own people and am not going to be able to get the big, cheap bag or mounts or anything else from the other guys if I'm wearing my own tabard. I don't get it, but I'll wear it.

Where do I go once I level to 35?

PvP is largely dependent on others for whether or not it is fun to watch. So shall I keep doing it, and if so, how frequently?

Next week will be whatever you vote for in the above poll. Join me!

Please join us on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H) in It came from the Blog. Guild ranks of Blog Lurker or above can invite, so /whisper Roblinator or any online member. You are all welcome as long as you play by our simple rules -- basically, don't be a funsucker! Visit the guild FAQ for more details.