
The Rock talks Doom again, would do another game movie (like Black Ops)

After watching The Rock, who is also named Dwayne Johnson, fulfill his hosting duties during last night's Wrestlemania event by totally slamming dudes in the face, we were all probably possessed by the same thought: When's Doom 2 coming out?

Speaking to MTV, Mr. Rock explained he's not averse to doing another game-based movie "if the right one came along." "I thought we had an opportunity with Doom," he added. "Didn't work out the way we wanted it to, creatively." Let's look on the bright side: Spy Hunter didn't work out the way you wanted it to completely and entirely.

When asked what game he'd like to film-ify, in a perfect world, Mr. Rock replied, "Black Ops -- that'd be bad ass. Let's make it happen. Let's do it." He added, "That and Black Swan 2." Wait, wait -- what if we combined the two? Oh, man. Do you smell what The Rock is cooking? Cinematic gold.