
The Ultramods record entire album in GarageBand for iPad

We all know that Apple's GarageBand for iPad 2 makes it incredibly easy for anyone to make and record music. Now The Ultramods have gone and created an entire album using the 8-track recording capability of GarageBand.

Most of the songs on the album Underwear Party (iTunes Store link) are NSFW, including one appropriately titled "NSFW." According to the band's website, they specialize in "pervy pop punk and technologically obsessed new wave." The group, made up of musicians Bunny and Coco Ultramod, used only the instruments included in the iPad app to record the dozen tunes on the album.

The Ultramod's manifesto is "fast, cheap and out-of-control," and you've got to love their thinking even if you hate their music: "Here's an iPad, here's an Internet connection. Now make an album."

Note to readers: I'll be off the site for the next few days, recording my first album.

Just kidding.

[via The Loop]