
Newest EVE Online patch pushed live with controversial anomaly changes

The latest update to EVE Online has gone live, with Incursion 1.4 hitting the server today. Like any patch, this one has issues to be ironed out, ones that have already prompted an announced maintenance tomorrow to deploy a fix. But bugs are understandable with the wealth of updates in the new patch, which makes far-reaching changes to several parts of the game including a plethora of quality-of-life improvements. Parts can now be stripped from unpiloted ships, extra outpost information has been added, and you can see the portraits of other pilots in more places as well as zoom in for a hi-resolution look whenever you want.

But the patch isn't all cosmetics and convenience; some functional changes have been rolled out as well. Chief among these are changes to the workings of anomalies, which were announced some time ago and caused something of a stir within the community. Whether or not players will be slightly more happy with the changes in actual play remains to be seen; for the time being, EVE Online players will need to start logging in and experimenting with the patch to determine how good (or bad) the net effect has been.