
One Shots: Come down from there!

Not everyone roaming the high-level areas in games is a fearless warrior. Today's One Shots is proof positive of that, thanks to our very own Justin:

After miles and miles of treacherous journeys through Lord of the Rings Online's wilderness, it's quite amusing to come upon a "treed" Ranger who's a little too scared of doggies to get down and fight them. Instead, you have to bail the guy out and wonder if you're doing the Grey Company a favor by saving his neck so that his cowardice may continue.

What do the endgame or high-level areas in your favorite MMO look like? Care to show them off a bit? Send a screenshot to us at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll show it off on One Shots with a helping of public thanks to you!