
The Classifieds: David Arkenstone plays a Renaissance fair

The Classifieds brings you weekly news from around the WoW community, including our famous Random Acts of Uberness shout-outs to players who make your WoW sessions memorable.

Renowned instrumental musician David Arkenstone, one of the composers for the WoW and Cataclysm soundtracks, greeted WoW fans at a Renaissance fair in Texas this past weekend with several musical selections from the game.

Arkenstone couldn't resist firing up the crowd with his favorite pirate themes and a foot-tapping version of Bloodsail. Once our WoW-playing contingent made known its enthusiasm for his inn music, he came back at a later show with a surprisingly lyrical rendition of Stonefire (what most players think of as "the" inn song) and Gypsy Rendezvous, the theme from the Argent Tournament.

Arkenstone's not officially on tour, so we can't offer any specific dates and places you might catch him near you, but we'll keep you posted with anything else around the country as it pops up!

Random Acts of Uberness

It's when another player lights up your night with precise play, a wicked sense of humor or unexpected generosity that your login becomes something to remember. Share your Random Acts of Uberness with Keep things brief (150 words or less, please), and be sure to list everyone's character names and home realms or battlegroup. Don't be afraid of sending an entry more than once if it doesn't appear; sometimes internet dragons eat email, and we'd hate to let that keep deserving players from getting their due.

Sizedup Cho'gall, in a random dungeon, and not having met me before, gave me a ring we both needed, just because my equipment was crappy. In the following hour and a half (or more) and despite my -extreme- underperformance (due to equipment), he requeued with me, and gave me advise on how to use correctly my rogue. I think he deserves the nomination, I was having a horrible time in random, everybody kicking me due to my awful WotLK gear and being slaugthered in any cata leveling zone, and that just made my night. (Sorry for the bad english, I'm argentinan) -- Lweydd

Community news

If you recall the audible efforts of Ashram to create a custom audio build for Straholme, you may be pleased to know that Ashram is doing well. He's worked on the soundtrack for Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess and Who's that flying?

Congratulations to Matt at Leveling Down, who has achieved weight-loss level 85. Take the time to check out this amazing WoW-inspired blogging project and Matt's inspiring efforts.

Employment: Guild recruitment

Looking for more? Send in your guild name, realm, a link to your guild website or armory listing and a sentence or two on your guild's focus (10-man, RP, late-night raiding, whatever) to

Bear butts are sexy Who doesn't like a little bear butt now and again? Team Bear Butt, the 10 man from Biscuit of Dewm on Cenarion Circle is looking for a healer for this tier and into 4.2! We raid 3:30-6 PST on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Currently 11/12 and working on Nefarian. We're a laid-back group of friends that enjoy killing internet dragons! Now featuring a theme song and drunken dwarf tank! Players can also contact Valisarrsi or any other officer in .

Bear patrol They say they like pie, it's probably because the cake is a lie. Do you like pie? So do we! Bear Patrol (Horde-Side on Bloodscalp server) is a PVE guild hoping to recruit players for 10-Man raid progression. We raid on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Visit our website for more information: Join us and talk about how much you like pie!

Casually heroic This guild keeps it cool, keeps it hero-like. Are you Casually Heroic? Casual Heroes, Lvl 13 H-Jubei'Thos, is recruiting for second and third 10-man raid teams, casual PvP, and social members. We're sociable, we're fun, and we get the job done without taking ourselves too seriously. All current info about the guild is available at including recruitment status and progression.

Casual raiding This group is stepping up to 25-man raiding. Chi Cerca Trova is a casual raiding guild that has just moved to 25man from multiple 10man groups, and are 1/13 HM. We are looking for a few more DPS and healers as we round out our roster. We raid mon-weds 8:30 - 12 EST. We are one of the oldest, ongoing raiding guilds on the server, and offer a friendly atmosphere for those raiders looking for some progression but aren't trying to dedicate their lives to it.

Expanding guild This guild is looking to add a few quality folks to expand their roster. We are a level 22 Alliance guild on Whisperwind-US looking to expand our pool of quality players. LSoD is an all-around balanced guild (with both progression-oriented and casual ten-man raids), with interest in participating in all aspects of WoW in a respectful, professional manner. We have been a guild for over 14 years, and a number of our members are active in other MMOs as well. We are a mix of college students, working professionals, husbands/wives, and generally people from all walks of life. If interested, please apply on our website, Thank you!

Rebuilding, wants you This guild is working toward expanding its operations. Shards Of Lordaeron on Executus is a Level 10 guild in the process of rebuilding out player base for raiding and dungeons. Looking for experienced players of any level to help recruit and organize events. Interested players may visit our new website, or can contact the guild leader on Twitter @LordaeronShards.

They like damage meters It's just a clever name, though. Hello, my name is Takunava I am writing on behalf of Anyone Got DMG Meters! We are a small Level 11 Frostmane Guild and are looking to expand our ranks! In the level 85-game we could use a little bit of everything (we currently have no Rogues that play) and we would love to be able to raid more often than we currently do. For anyone of a lower level, we would love them too! Today's level 5 could be next weeks 85! We are a tight-knit group of friends who play casually, and most of us went to school together. Our website is, so stop on by our forums if you are interested!

Crack open The Classifieds for weekly player and community news, help finding the right guild, events of interest and more. Send us your shout-outs for Random Acts of Uberness and mail your news tips and announcements to