
WoW Moviewatch: Nyangnomes!

The great Baron Soosdon just reached a significant milestone: He has uploaded 100 videos to YouTube. To celebrate this momentous occasion, Soosdon put together this video. These are the words of the good Baron himself:

To celebrate my 100th upload to YouTube, I wanted to create something different. A deep and philosophical video which questions the moral essence and dilemma of ones existence in everchanging world while introducing the setting in a controversial and edgy roleplayer environment. The taboo of Olibithian bacon-loving is also studied in an artistical, psychological and culinaristical sense during this video.

This video is an homage to the Shepiwotian style of machinimaking as seen in the 18th century.

Alternatively, this could be 13 minutes of gnomes set to Nyancat.

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