
One Shots: Be it ever so humble...

Today's One Shots house comes to us from our very own Editor-in-Chief Shawn, who shows off the fun of player housing in Wurm Online. Player housing in this game might not be as flashy or shiny as in some other games, but there's a lot to be said for creating your character's home piece by piece from the ground up:

It might not look like much, but this is my humble deed in Wurm Online. While most players build in the middle of a lush forest, I started my homestead on an empty, jagged mountain cliff. After terraforming and flattening the land with shipped-in dirt from another island and then planting trees for wood and gardens for food, I built my small stone house and fencing for my new animals. There's also an extensive system of mines within the mountain, complete with two forges, an oven, storage crates, and barrels galore.

This week on One Shots is all about giving you a chance to show off your character's home, so send us a screenshot at along with your name and the name of the game. Tell us anything you like about the decor, memorabilia, trophies, and so on, and we'll show it off here on One Shots so everyone can admire your digs!

Want to get a head start on future One Shots themes? We'll be featuring awesome mounts next week, and then weird foes. Do you have a great shot of a dancing Abaddon in Guild Wars or a nose-picking foe from Gates of Andaron? Send those in too and we'll feature them on One Shots!