
One shots: My home is my castle

Wizard101 players have been turning out in droves for this week's One Shots theme, with good reason. Player housing in the game is extensive, diverse, and most of all fun. Today's extra-grandiose submission comes to us from Virginia:

Here is a screenshot of Jenna Dawnheart's Wizard101 house, taken from the remote island that is part of the house. In the front is a carousel crafted by Jenna -- it took many, many hours to gather all the components.

We've got one more day for you to show off your character's home, so send us a screenshot at along with your name and the name of the game. Tell us anything you like about the decor, memorabilia, trophies, and so on, and we'll show it off here on One Shots so everyone can admire your digs!

We'll be featuring awesome mounts next week, so it's time to grab a screenshot of your finest ride, be it hooved, feathered, wheeled, or otherwise. Do you think you've got the best-looking or most unusual mount around? Prove it by sending it in! If you'd like a head start on the following week, we'll be focusing on weird foes. Do you have a great shot of a dancing Abaddon in Guild Wars or a nose-picking foe from Gates of Andaron? Send those in too and we'll feature them on One Shots!