
Nikkei: Wii successor has touchscreen controller, will arrive in second half of 2012

The Nihon Keizai Shinbun -- the same publication that successfully "predicted" the DSi, the DSi XL and 3DS -- posted an article today stating that the Wii successor's controller will feature a six-inch touchscreen, as previously rumored.

According to Andriasang's summary of the subscription-only article, the controller will give "tablet-like controls" to games, and will also be usable as a portable game device on its own. The controller also includes a camera and a rechargeable battery.

Nintendo originally specified "2012" for the system; Nikkei says it'll be the second half of the year. Of course, even given the history of the paper, this report remains unconfirmed and thus should be taken with a 6" grain of salt.