
The Daily Quest: In days gone by

WoW Insider's on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative, and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere.

Come sit down for a spell, and I'll tell you a story about way back when. Back in my day, if you wanted to raid Onyxia there was no namby-pamby walk right into the dungeon and punch the dragon in the face. No, if you wanted to face that old dragon in her lair, you traveled all over the damned planet killing other, smaller dragons and putting together a raid group for UBRS so you could kill General Drakkisath. And then you wandered around Desolace until you found Rexxar, which usually took hours. And you liked it.

Flying? Pff. We didn't need flying to get anywhere. We just had a trusty ground mount, purchased for a substantial amount of gold that we'd been squirreling away all 60 levels of our existence. If you could buy your mount when you hit 60, you were lucky.

All right, you can leave. Go back to your fancy new Azeroth and fly around in Orgrimmar, queue up for your dungeons and wait for them to come to you. But before you do, how about you check out a few posts from around the blogosphere, regarding days gone by?

Is there a story out there we ought to link or a blog we should be following? Just leave us a comment, and you may see it here tomorrow! Be sure to check out our WoW Resources Guide for more WoW-related sites.